Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's a good thing we live in Dubai!

Angela's latest 'thing' is refusing to get dressed in the morning. Once she is dressed and knows we are going somewhere she is usually fine, its just a process to get a shirt over her head.

Today she managed to get food all over her pants during lunch so we just left them off for her nap. When she woke up she wouldn't put the pants back on (and we weren't going anywhere so I didn't fight it). During her snack she started taking her shirt off. While she hasn't mastered getting it completely off she can get it pulled all the way up so I ended up just taking it off. She spent the rest of the afternoon in only a diaper, and I'm so happy she hasn't figured out how to take that off yet!!

The problem came when she wanted to go outside after dinner. We usually take a walk or play on the patio. She wouldn't put clothes on so I opted for the patio as I don't want the neighbors to think we are totally crazy and don't have clothes for our kid. Funny enough, she refused to go outside without her shoes on!!!

Diapers & crocs, its the new thing!!

I'm so happy I don't have to deal with socks, jackets, hats and mittens right now!! At least she is happy!

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