Friday, December 31, 2010

About a month to go

We are officially in the final countdown to baby #2. Of course we are being optimisitc that she will arrive early but I know chances are pretty good she will be a February baby. Just hopefully not a Valentine's Day baby (that would mean two weeks late).

While in line at the grocery store today an older American man asked me how much longer I had. I said about a month. He said, "oh, twins"? Me, "Nope". "Wow, thats a big baby then". Gee, thanks, way to make a girl feel good!

In case you were wondering how big I really am, I've attached a recent photo (taken with my fancy new iPhone!!).


Rachelle said...

What a silly man. You look fantastic, and not big at all :)Thinking of you.

Meg said...

Thanks Rachelle!