Thursday, December 9, 2010

32 weeks

I had my 32 week scan today and all is well with baby #2. She is growing right on track and is measuring just slightly big. I don't think this changes my due date but will confirm that with the doctor on Saturday.

The doctor that did the ultrasound was running almost an hour behind schedule so he flipped on the 3d/4d scanner to give me some special photos. Of course she didn't really want to show us her face and kept turning away but I saw a few images that remind me so much of Angela when she was a baby. I've scanned these and added a few pointers since the images aren't perfectly clear. You can only slightly make out her face in the second image. If you click on the photo below, it should open up to a larger size.

Oh, and before I forget, we did confirm that it is in fact a girl!

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