Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas is coming!

It seems that even in Dubai, you cannot escape Christmas! There is music playing in the malls, decorations everywhere, and lots of excitement about holiday travel plans and Santa Clause.

Yesterday we put up our tree and started decorating a bit. Angela let out a big 'ohhhh' when she saw the tree all lit up this morning. She has taken an interest in some of the ornaments but has yet to pull anything off the tree (or knock the entire thing over). While putting up the tree Rich had the great idea to crank up the air conditioning so that 'it feels a little more like Christmas in here'. Its a good thing I have all of our winter clothes here!

Yay, its up!

Today we paid a visit to Santa! I knew going into this that it could either be a really good or a really bad thing. It was entertaining for us, a bit traumatic for Angela. She loved checking out the giant tree and all of the decorations. She loved playing with the other kids in line. She was so excited when we got to walk into Santa's house. She screamed 'Nooooooo' and ran for the door the minute she saw Santa. We managed to get her close enough for a photo, but she was not thrilled about it. She preferred to stand right next to the door and wave to Santa from a safe distance. As soon as we said its time to go she yelled Bye, gave a wave, and ran back out into the mall.

Waiting patiently for Santa

Excited to go see Santa!

We forced her into this picture - this is the one that they framed for us!

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