Friday, December 31, 2010

About a month to go

We are officially in the final countdown to baby #2. Of course we are being optimisitc that she will arrive early but I know chances are pretty good she will be a February baby. Just hopefully not a Valentine's Day baby (that would mean two weeks late).

While in line at the grocery store today an older American man asked me how much longer I had. I said about a month. He said, "oh, twins"? Me, "Nope". "Wow, thats a big baby then". Gee, thanks, way to make a girl feel good!

In case you were wondering how big I really am, I've attached a recent photo (taken with my fancy new iPhone!!).

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Photo's

Some highlights from our first Christmas in Dubai.

Christmas Wishes from the Bozzuto's

Merry Christmas!!

We had a very relaxing morning here as we enjoyed watching Angela open all of her presents. Santa brought her so many nice new toys and we had so many wonderful things sent to us from far away. Thanks to everyone that sent packages all the way to Dubai - it really means a lot to us!

I promise to post more Christmas photos soon, we're too busy playing with all of Angela's new toys!!

Love -
Rich, Meg & Angela

Thursday, December 9, 2010

32 weeks

I had my 32 week scan today and all is well with baby #2. She is growing right on track and is measuring just slightly big. I don't think this changes my due date but will confirm that with the doctor on Saturday.

The doctor that did the ultrasound was running almost an hour behind schedule so he flipped on the 3d/4d scanner to give me some special photos. Of course she didn't really want to show us her face and kept turning away but I saw a few images that remind me so much of Angela when she was a baby. I've scanned these and added a few pointers since the images aren't perfectly clear. You can only slightly make out her face in the second image. If you click on the photo below, it should open up to a larger size.

Oh, and before I forget, we did confirm that it is in fact a girl!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's a good thing we live in Dubai!

Angela's latest 'thing' is refusing to get dressed in the morning. Once she is dressed and knows we are going somewhere she is usually fine, its just a process to get a shirt over her head.

Today she managed to get food all over her pants during lunch so we just left them off for her nap. When she woke up she wouldn't put the pants back on (and we weren't going anywhere so I didn't fight it). During her snack she started taking her shirt off. While she hasn't mastered getting it completely off she can get it pulled all the way up so I ended up just taking it off. She spent the rest of the afternoon in only a diaper, and I'm so happy she hasn't figured out how to take that off yet!!

The problem came when she wanted to go outside after dinner. We usually take a walk or play on the patio. She wouldn't put clothes on so I opted for the patio as I don't want the neighbors to think we are totally crazy and don't have clothes for our kid. Funny enough, she refused to go outside without her shoes on!!!

Diapers & crocs, its the new thing!!

I'm so happy I don't have to deal with socks, jackets, hats and mittens right now!! At least she is happy!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas is coming!

It seems that even in Dubai, you cannot escape Christmas! There is music playing in the malls, decorations everywhere, and lots of excitement about holiday travel plans and Santa Clause.

Yesterday we put up our tree and started decorating a bit. Angela let out a big 'ohhhh' when she saw the tree all lit up this morning. She has taken an interest in some of the ornaments but has yet to pull anything off the tree (or knock the entire thing over). While putting up the tree Rich had the great idea to crank up the air conditioning so that 'it feels a little more like Christmas in here'. Its a good thing I have all of our winter clothes here!

Yay, its up!

Today we paid a visit to Santa! I knew going into this that it could either be a really good or a really bad thing. It was entertaining for us, a bit traumatic for Angela. She loved checking out the giant tree and all of the decorations. She loved playing with the other kids in line. She was so excited when we got to walk into Santa's house. She screamed 'Nooooooo' and ran for the door the minute she saw Santa. We managed to get her close enough for a photo, but she was not thrilled about it. She preferred to stand right next to the door and wave to Santa from a safe distance. As soon as we said its time to go she yelled Bye, gave a wave, and ran back out into the mall.

Waiting patiently for Santa

Excited to go see Santa!

We forced her into this picture - this is the one that they framed for us!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

UAE Spirit

Today is UAE National Day - the celebration of the 39th anniversary of the UAE. There are flags up everywhere and so many special events going on around town. The Atlantis is all decked out in the UAE flag colors and looks quite impressive from our balcony.

We unfortunately did not get out to enjoy the parades or fireworks. Rich is (once again) in South Africa for a few days and Angela and I have both been fighting a little bug so I didn't want to go out. Angela did get to celebrate at nursery school yesterday - all of the children dressed in the colors of the UAE flag and they did special projects revolving around the country. She messed up her outfit before I could get a photo, so instead I'll post some photos from tonight on our balcony. The night time temperature is perfect for hanging outside lately - we love it!!