Sunday, November 8, 2009

the laowai price

Bonnie Ang and I were recently at one of the local markets in Shanghai and decided to have some fun testing out the 'laowai' price theory. The locals refer to anybody that is not local (i.e. ex-pats like us) as laowai. The true meaning of this word is old people but they have come to use it for anybody with white skin, regardless of age. We were at the junk market (4 floors of everything you might find at a dollar store in the US) and I asked the price of an item I was looking at. I wasn't really interested in buying it, I just wanted to know. Bonnie thought that the price seemed high. At the next little shop she went in first and asked the price of a bag and was quoted 15RMB. I went in next and asked the same question. 25RMB (and then later 20RMB if I buy more than one). We had a good laugh about this but also discovered that if she asks the price when I am standing there with her she gets quoted the laowai price. I guess this means I send her shopping now, or I just need to work on my bargaining skills!

Ang seems to have had a growth spurt recently and is looking much chubbier these days. She has been attempting to crawl but only manages to inch herself along the floor. Usually she ends up just flipping onto her back and then will roll to wherever she wants to be. Unfortunately she isn't sleeping so great lately (which explains the lack of blogs posts!).

Update on my knitting projects...
Rich declared my last attempt to blog about knitting projects too technical so I will not get into too much detail here (I have included a photo of Ang modeling for me). Attempt number 2 at the little hat was a better - but it is still too small. I have moved on to other projects for now but will give it another try soon.

I do have a little bad news. I had numerous requests for pictures of all of us at Halloween (because I only took pictures of Rich and Ang in their costumes). I found out today that there are no pictures of my costume. Somebody DID take a picture of the three of us on Halloween. However, that same person learned very late that evening that there was no memory card in the camera and therefore no pictures. Unfortunately I gave part of my costume (the necklace) to Bonnie so I can't really re-create it now. If I get enough requests I guess I'll put on the dress (and look like a cave woman) so that Rich can take a picture. In the meantime you will just have to use your imagination!

A few new pictures of Ang...
Daddy obviously dressed her (and we were celebrating his birthday so I couldn't say no)

She was very confused that she couldn't pull this socks (tights) off her feet.

Rich's birthday celebration

NY style pizza, wine and cake (made by me!).

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