Thursday, October 8, 2009

jet lag

Sorry we have been MIA the past few weeks - it has been a crazy month for the Bozzuto's. We spent an unexpected two weeks back in the America under very unfortunate circumstances. Our return trip to China coincided with quarter close for Rich (which means crazy work hours) and having a baby with jet lag that appears to be getting new teeth has been painful. We are starting to get over our jet lag and Rich's work schedule has calmed down a bit. Ang finally slept for five hours straight last night which was such a treat (she has been waking up at least every two hours for the past three weeks). I can't blame her though. She really has been a trooper considering all of the traveling we have done.

Rumor has it that some people back home are missing a certain little girl so I thought some pictures might help.

very serious about her toy

Meeting wylie


our new 'crinkle my nose' face

visiting great grandma


cousin cuddles

I am cutting this post short because we have had a busy day and I'm exhausted. I will be back soon with stories from some of our recent adventures and of course new photos.

Miss you all!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Ang is SO adorable. I love seeing what you guys are up to and following your adventures :) Sorry for the loss you have experienced. You have all been in our thoughts.