Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We weren't sure what to expect for our first Halloween in Shanghai. It was a little surprising to see the shops stock up on costumes and decorations in the weeks leading up to October 31 (and now some of them even have Christmas stuff out). Our friends were hosting a party at their house in Jin Qiao so we decided it would be fun to dress up and join them. Jin Qiao (pronounced Gin Chow) is an area on the outskirts of Shanghai where there are great International schools and villa communities. Many ex-pat families live in these villa communities which offer kids a nice place to run around and play. It is a great neighborhood for trick-or-treating since the houses are so close together and the traffic is limited to residents that are coming or going (so no crazy taxi drivers or mopeds).

I decided that it would be fun to make our costumes and headed to the fabric market last weekend to pick out all of the material I would need. Considering I put them together in less than a week with no pattern, I think they look pretty good! Rich even got a Yabba Dabba Do shout out while out trick or treating!

Meet the Flintstones

Daddy & Ang

Kyle (Luigi) and Ang (Pebbles) playing

Oops! No pictures of Wilma on my camera. I know somebody took a family photo of us so I will have to try to track it down and will post it later.

Monday, October 26, 2009

A new ride to Puxi

The weather in Shanghai has been beautiful lately and we took advantage of it this weekend by spending lots of time outside. We had to get back over to Puxi (across the river) so that I could go to the fabric market to see the dress that I ordered last weekend. Typically whenever we need to get to Puxi we either take a car or the subway. However, there are a number of ferries that cross the river and this is by the far the quickest and cheapest way to cross. Riding the ferries is a bit of an adventure though because the ferry terminals do not have any information in English. We had taken a ferry across once before but felt comfortable because Rich had taken that one with coworkers previously.

I researched the ferry locations on both the Pudong and Puxi sides and realized that there is a ferry that runs from a terminal very close to our house that would put us about two blocks away from the fabric market. The tricky part was that there are two ferries that leave from the same terminal on the Pudong side so we just needed to figure out which one would take us to where we wanted to be on the Puxi side. Of course, we took the wrong one and ended up at the Bund. Oops! At that point we decided that Ang wasn't really up for any more adventure so Rich got back on the ferry with her and headed home while I set off on foot to do some exploring. I made it back to the fabric market and found all sorts of interesting little shops in the area outside of Yu Yuan Garden (which is a big tourist spot). I managed to get back on the correct ferry going home and found that it only took about 15 minutes from the time I boarded the ferry to the time I was standing in the lobby of our building. And for only 0.5RMB ($0.07 USD). Not bad!!

We decided that crossing the river by ferry could be compared to a game of frogger. The river is used by very large boats to transport all sorts of materials around. The ferry must navigate through all of this traffic and oftentimes it seems that they are weaving in and out of the other boats. It isn't so bad on the weekend when river activity is minimal, but I can imagine it would be a bit nerve-wracking during the week when things are busier!

the 'nice' ferry that goes to the bund

the other ferry

river traffic

waiting for the boat

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Adventures at the fabric market

I have been in a bit of a shopping funk lately. Every time I go to the mall I can never find what I am looking for, or if I find something I like it doesn't fit just right. Rich thought we could solve this with a visit to the fabric markets. The fabric markets are quite popular here in Shanghai and it is well known that you can have just about anything made for a fraction of the price you would pay at the store. We ventured out to the Shanghai ShiLiu Pu Cloth Market on Saturday afternoon (I have since learned that there is a larger, better market not far from this one that we will visit next time). The ShiLiu Pu market is three floors of tailors that offer a wide range of sample items and hundreds of fabric options. I was slightly overwhelmed with the number of options and couldn't decide what to have made for myself. I settled on a dress - a very basic strapless, a-line. I go back in one week for a fitting and then should be able to pick up the finished thing the next day. Just like most things in China, you can bargain with the tailors to get the best price for the item you want made. I have a feeling I am probably over-paying for my dress (200RMB = $28USD) , but I'll decide that once I have the finished product in hand.

entrance to the market

Ang & daddy at the Bund Center (Westin Hotel)

Ang is back on China time and is now sleeping all night (most of the time) and napping well during the day. She finally has a tooth cutting through on top that I can see - I feel like this one has been a very long time coming. Of course, this messes with the whole sleeping thing but at least we had a few nice nights! We are feeding her solids twice a day now and she loves eating them.

Some recent pics of our favorite little girl - who just turned 7 months!!
love the spoon!

so cute

cold carrots feel soooo good on those new teeth!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


A friend of mine posted a picture of her baby girl wearing an adorable little hat the other day, so I figured Ang could use a cute little hat too. I was feeling crafty and needed to do something with the yarn that Nana left behind when she was visiting. I should probably mention that to date, my knitting has consisted of various 'sample' squares that are full of mistakes and usually end up getting ripped apart. I decided that it was time to start a real project and went about searching the internet for free hat patterns (there are hundreds of them). I settled on a very cute, basic hat that had a ruffled edge. I had to make a few modifications as the pattern called for size 10 circular needles and worsted yarn. I only had a pair of size 7 straight needles (also left behind by Nana) and haven't a clue what type of yarn I have (the label got thrown away). I assumed that it would be easier to knit on straight needles and sew up the seam than to hunt down circulars in Shanghai anyways (and even if I found circulars, I would still then have to figure out how to use them).

Well, two days later, we have a hat! It resembles a hat. It has a ruffled edge. Only one problem. I forgot to take the infamous 'Bozzuto head' into account and there is no way this is going to fit Ang. I guess we will save it for use on a doll someday.

Sorry I don't have a picture of the hat on Ang to show truly how small it is - she is asleep and I'm not waking her up to model.

After a little bit of searching in Shanghai yesterday, I now have a pair of size 10 circular needles and am going to attempt a second hat using these. This time I'll take her head size into consideration so hopefully it will fit!

It looks like I have a new hobby? And you all thought you were getting cheap Chinese trinkets for Christmas. Ha!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

jet lag

Sorry we have been MIA the past few weeks - it has been a crazy month for the Bozzuto's. We spent an unexpected two weeks back in the America under very unfortunate circumstances. Our return trip to China coincided with quarter close for Rich (which means crazy work hours) and having a baby with jet lag that appears to be getting new teeth has been painful. We are starting to get over our jet lag and Rich's work schedule has calmed down a bit. Ang finally slept for five hours straight last night which was such a treat (she has been waking up at least every two hours for the past three weeks). I can't blame her though. She really has been a trooper considering all of the traveling we have done.

Rumor has it that some people back home are missing a certain little girl so I thought some pictures might help.

very serious about her toy

Meeting wylie


our new 'crinkle my nose' face

visiting great grandma


cousin cuddles

I am cutting this post short because we have had a busy day and I'm exhausted. I will be back soon with stories from some of our recent adventures and of course new photos.

Miss you all!