Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Relaxing in North Carolina

We arrived safely in NC on Wednesday afternoon last week after a pretty uneventful trip. Rich and I were both pretty anxious about how difficult the car ride may be given that Angela tends to be pretty fussy in the car unless she is exhausted. We left New Rochelle Tuesday night and I rode in the back with her and she was asleep by the time we got to the GW bridge. She woke up a short time later as expected for a quick diaper change and bite to eat and then slept the rest of the way to Baltimore. We left Baltimore about 10am Wednesday morning and only had to stop once between there and New Bern for her to eat! She slept almost the entire seven hours in the car - it was great!!

Rich headed back to New York on Friday and then to Shanghai on Saturday. Angela and I have been relaxing in New Bern, enjoying the great weather. We went to visit the new pediatrician today - she was great. Angela now weights 9lb 1oz (up almost a pound since her 4 week visit) and is a healthy little girl. She is on the small side for her age, but still within guidelines.

Big smiles on Mothers Day

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