Thursday, May 14, 2009

8 weeks & sleep!

Last night we reached a new milestone...sleep! The night went something like this:
9pm in crib - awake but sleepy
10pm - asleep (still in crib)
2:30am - awake to nurse
3:00am - asleep, back in crib
6:00am - awake for diaper change & to nurse
6;30am - asleep, back in crib
8:45am - awake for the day

That is some record sleeping for this little girl...and I'm so happy she stayed in her crib the entire night. She did fuss and cry a little bit when I first put her down, but nothing compared to the screaming I was expecting to hear.

The best part is that now mommy is well rested too - yay!!

Sleep - so precious!!

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