Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Fun

Now that I'm not working, holidays seem completely different! Its not a day for me to enjoy being off work, its a day for me to enjoy having company at home since everybody else has the day off!! Yesterday was a gorgeous day here - mid 80's, hot & humid (just the way I like it). Grammy volunteered to baby sit so I was able to enjoy a nice boat ride with my dad, Katie, Chris & Tawna (visitors from New Hampshire). The highlight was seeing dolphins!

We are really enjoying our time here in North Carolina. Its a blast having so much time with Grammy & Dziadziu (and they have been a HUGE help). Rich is coming back next week to visit and I'm so excited! He misses his little girl so much and is going to be amazed at how much she has grown (and at how well she sleeps!).

Some new pictures taken this past weekend...

Aunt Katie & Angela

Dolphins on our boat ride!

"Grammy time"

The girls on the boat

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Since my last post on sleep, we have made even more progress. We now have a nightly routine that includes a bath and eating and then put her down in her crib while she is tired, but still awake. The past two nights she has fallen asleep within about 30 minutes with minimal fussing and SLEPT THE ENTIRE NIGHT (9pm - 6:30am)!! I am absolutely amazed that in less than a week we have gone from barely sleeping in my bed to sleeping the entire night in her own bed. To be honest we did have to let her cry it out a little and as much as I didn't want to do it I have to admit that it worked. Angela seems so well rested and so much happier! It's so great to see.

Some pictures from our bath time fun!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Chloe update

Chloe is really enjoying her new home at Katie's house in North Carolina. She loves looking out the window and spends most of her day in this exact spot.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

8 weeks & sleep!

Last night we reached a new milestone...sleep! The night went something like this:
9pm in crib - awake but sleepy
10pm - asleep (still in crib)
2:30am - awake to nurse
3:00am - asleep, back in crib
6:00am - awake for diaper change & to nurse
6;30am - asleep, back in crib
8:45am - awake for the day

That is some record sleeping for this little girl...and I'm so happy she stayed in her crib the entire night. She did fuss and cry a little bit when I first put her down, but nothing compared to the screaming I was expecting to hear.

The best part is that now mommy is well rested too - yay!!

Sleep - so precious!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Relaxing in North Carolina

We arrived safely in NC on Wednesday afternoon last week after a pretty uneventful trip. Rich and I were both pretty anxious about how difficult the car ride may be given that Angela tends to be pretty fussy in the car unless she is exhausted. We left New Rochelle Tuesday night and I rode in the back with her and she was asleep by the time we got to the GW bridge. She woke up a short time later as expected for a quick diaper change and bite to eat and then slept the rest of the way to Baltimore. We left Baltimore about 10am Wednesday morning and only had to stop once between there and New Bern for her to eat! She slept almost the entire seven hours in the car - it was great!!

Rich headed back to New York on Friday and then to Shanghai on Saturday. Angela and I have been relaxing in New Bern, enjoying the great weather. We went to visit the new pediatrician today - she was great. Angela now weights 9lb 1oz (up almost a pound since her 4 week visit) and is a healthy little girl. She is on the small side for her age, but still within guidelines.

Big smiles on Mothers Day

Friday, May 1, 2009