Friday, January 25, 2013

Personal Accomplishments

We haven't even finished January and we can already check a few things off our 'goals' list.

This morning, I ran a 10km race as part of the Dubai Standard Chartered Marathon. Although I've been running quite regularly now, my training for this race was crap after being so sick for the past few weeks. I wanted to give it a try anyways and was really hoping to finish in under 1 hour. It was so cold and foggy here (ok, cold by Dubai standards - I know those of you sitting in New England are laughing at me now) this morning which made it really tough to get started. Once I warmed up I felt really great and kept to a consistent, comfortable pace. My official finish time was 57:41 which is six minutes better than my last attempt at a 10km race (this past November).

 I also received a phone call from Rich this morning as he made his way down Mt. Kilimanjaro. He is on day 8 of his trek and happily reported that his entire team of hikers had reached the top of the peak this morning! A huge accomplishment as they've been hiking for 7 days now, camping and dealing with crazy altitude (peak is 5895m / 19,341ft). Our phone conversation was short as he didn't have a great signal and I'm so anxious to hear from him again tomorrow when he is off the trail. As soon as he returns home with the camera we will get some photos posted!

In front of the Burj Khalifa, just after completing 10k race

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