Monday, April 9, 2012

And she's off!

Caitlin decided that Easter Sunday would be a great day to start walking with no help! She has been cruising and taking a few small steps for a while, but always made sure there was a hand or table nearby. Yesterday, she just took off. First it was a short distance but by the end of the day she was walking all over the house and was so happy about it. It was pretty exciting because its rare that Rich, Gloria and I would all be around at the same time to watch this happening.
I managed to get a video of her this afternoon while we were outside playing. She gets really frustrated at the end because she has reached the steps - and she knows that she isn't allowed on the steps. She also gets really frustrated everytime she falls down because she isn't very good about getting back up on her own - but I'm sure she will master that in no time at all.
The link to the video is below - I even captured Ang as she ran around with a monkey on her back.

In case the imbedded version above does not work, here is the link :

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

What a great video! She's so cute.