Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You never know til you try....

There has been an ongoing discussion in our house about taking the bottle away from Angela. This idea started back in March after her 2 year check up when the doctor suggested it. I was so hesitant to do anything about it because for over a year now she has had a bottle for every nap, every night before bed and for most of her night time wake ups. Plus there was so much change with a new baby in the house, I really didn't want to disturb her routine.

Today is the day. Big girls don't use bottles and big girls sleep in big beds. It's nap time and she just drank her milk in a sippy cup (only protested slightly before she realized it had milk in it) and is snoozing away in the guest room 'big bed'.

So I guess I was wrong about my little girl. She isn't so little anymore. It's time to hit the stores and find this girl a bed!

(sorry for no pictures - Ang does look pretty cute at the moment but I'm not risking ruining her nap for a picture).

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