Saturday, July 9, 2011

Five months!

Caitlin is five months today! She is such a happy, sweet baby and now has the cutest little giggle that we almost always hear when she is in the bath. She has perfected rolling from her back to her front - although she gets her arm stuck under her so she ends up frustrated, stuck on her belly. We've seen her roll from her belly to back many times, she just doesn't always have her arms in the right place. I'm sure she will figure it all out soon.

Sleep has gone backwards a bit. Lately it is taking her a very long time to settle at night so I spend close to two hours getting her to sleep. I'm hopeful this is just a phase because it is quite exhausting!

We've made no progress with her allergies. She is definitely allergic to all things dairy and possibly soy. If I have the smallest amount of dairy she ends up miserable for days - a bad excema reaction on her face and legs, a very gassy tummy and lots of spitting up. I've been trying to keep my diet incredibly bland and feel horrible everytime I slip up on something that bothers her. I love that I can offer her a great supply of milk but am really looking forward to the day that I can have ice cream again!!

It's now less than a month until our trip home which is very exciting. We can't wait to see everybody, and of course for Caitlin to meet the rest of the family!

Sorry for the grouchy face pictures - she had just woken up from a nap!

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