Saturday, March 19, 2011

growing girls!

Last weekend we were at the doctors for Caitlin's one month check-up and today we returned to the same office for Angela's two year check-up! Both girls are very healthy - up over the 90th percentile for weight.

Angela now weighs 31.35 pounds - putting her way up there on the growth charts. She has come a long way since falling below the 1st percentile at 6 months old! The doctor was happy with everything except one thing - the dreaded bottle. The only request from the doctor was to try and (gasp) wean her off the bottle (GASP!). Angela has a great routine and goes right to sleep for naps and nights, after drinking her milk from the bottle. We have already made some improvements to this - she now drinks her bottle in the living room with us instead of being rocked in her bedroom with the lights dimmed. So do we take the bottle away? Any tips from the experienced?

Caitlin is up to 11.22 pounds - maintaining her spot at the 97th percentile! Looking back at Angela's growth chart, she was almost six months old before she weighed this much! Again, the doctor only had one issue and that was that we were letting Caitlin sleep in the swing. She had been spitting up a lot and it seemed a lot worse when she was flat on her back so the swing seemed more comfortable (and ensured longer stretches of sleep at night). I've cut a few things from my diet and the spitting up has almost stopped. The past few nights she has slept on her back, in the bassinet, and continued the 3 to 4 hour stretches she was doing in the swing!

The two of them are so incredibly sweet together. Angela has had a few jealous moments but that was to be expected. She always calls us over if the baby is crying or needs something and she loves to kiss the baby and hold her hand.

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