Sunday, March 11, 2012

What Happened??

My post count this year is depressingly small despite all the exciting things we have had going on. I have so much to share!

I'm using jet lag to my advantage now and am trying to get caught up on a long list of projects. Caitlin and I flew to the US last week to see my dad after his hip replacement surgery (which was a huge success!!) and arrived back in Dubai on Friday night. I feel like I've adjusted back to this time zone ok but Caitlin is not doing so well. This was after having almost no issues with jet lag on the way to the states (despite cutting a molar at the same time!).

Anyways, to get caught up here I thought I'd share some of my favorite photos from the past month or so. Hope you enjoy and hopefully I'll be back soon with more posts! I'm not giving up on my blog :).

Now I'm off to plan a Minnie Mouse birthday party for a very special little girl who will be turning three on Friday! Can't wait to celebrate her special day.

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