Saturday, June 25, 2011

School's out for Summer!

Ok, school isn't out quite yet, two days to go. We had parent teacher meetings this morning, a field trip to the Aquarium on Tuesday and the end of term party is on Wednesday.

I find it quite entertaining that they have 'parent teacher meetings' for two year olds. However, it was nice to hear so many great things said about Angela this morning. Apparently she saves all of her tantrums and moods for home and is an absolute angel at nursery. The teacher actually said that Angela is the only one that doesn't give her a hard time (no pushing, biting, yelling, crying, etc). I've attached the handout that shows some of her favorite nursery activities.

We also received her class photo's - so cute! I'm still trying to contact the photographer to see if I can purchase additional copies. Unfortunately the package they offer the nursery is a single copy of each photo.

I have Angela signed up to attend a nursery program that is three mornings a week for the month of July. I think she will enjoy getting out of the house and into a building where the a/c is cranked and there are lots of toys (and messy play)!

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