Thursday, June 30, 2011


Caitlin has discovered her toes - and her ability to get then into her mouth! She has spent the past two days with her toes in her mouth. Even if she is sitting up she tries to get them in there!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

School's out for Summer!

Ok, school isn't out quite yet, two days to go. We had parent teacher meetings this morning, a field trip to the Aquarium on Tuesday and the end of term party is on Wednesday.

I find it quite entertaining that they have 'parent teacher meetings' for two year olds. However, it was nice to hear so many great things said about Angela this morning. Apparently she saves all of her tantrums and moods for home and is an absolute angel at nursery. The teacher actually said that Angela is the only one that doesn't give her a hard time (no pushing, biting, yelling, crying, etc). I've attached the handout that shows some of her favorite nursery activities.

We also received her class photo's - so cute! I'm still trying to contact the photographer to see if I can purchase additional copies. Unfortunately the package they offer the nursery is a single copy of each photo.

I have Angela signed up to attend a nursery program that is three mornings a week for the month of July. I think she will enjoy getting out of the house and into a building where the a/c is cranked and there are lots of toys (and messy play)!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy fathers day!

The girls were so good to their daddy yesterday. Angela brought a special cupcake home from nursery, but unfortunately wasn't patient enough for Rich to get home from work to enjoy it with her. She saved him about half of the bottom!

Rich made it home from work in time for some pre-bedtime snuggles.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

At the mall, again

It's officially 'too hot' here which means we've been spending a lot of our free time at the mall. Angela loves shopping - if we ask her what she wants to do when we go out she often replies 'shopping'. Fortunately there are plenty of great malls to keep us occupied.

This weekend we started with the Dubai Mall. We caught part of a hockey game and then happened upon a play area which kept Angela and Rich entertained for an hour. The weekend ended at the Marina Mall - a hair cut for Angela and a trip to get groceries (most of the nicer grocery stores are located in a mall). We're getting better at hair cuts, this was the first time Angela actually sat in the fun race car chair instead of on my lap. She really did not enjoy being there though and when it was all finished she cried, pulled at her hair and said 'hair, broken'.

Follow Me

I have added a new 'feature' to the blog. There is a follow me button to the right (above our photos). Simply enter your email address and press submit. Then, every time I post an update you will receive an email. I've been sending out an email in the past but many times forget to send it - and I don't really know who wants the email and who doesn't. So now its up to you! If you want to continue to receive email updates just use the Follow Me link to the right.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Four Months!

Wow, time really has flown by.  Caitlin is four months old today!  We have a very healthy little girl - she is now a little over 15 pounds and filling up sized 9 months clothes.  She recently started laughing - one of the sweetest things.  Angela continues to be an amazing big sister and loves to hold and kiss her baby Kai Kai.  Its so much fun watching them interact. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Newport, anyone?

As I've mentioned before, our summer plans are all booked. We will be staying in Newport, RI for the month of August and then will be in Maine for about a week in September before returning to Dubai. Rich will be back in Dubai to work and oversee our big move* from August 10 to August 26.

The house we have rented in Newport has plenty of room for visitors and we would love to invite everybody there to visit. I know its a bit early to make concrete plans, but if there is a specific time that you would like to come visit please let me know so that I can make note of it. I will try to make sure there are beds for everyone and that we aren't too crowded at any particular point.

As the temps have soared way up over 110 and humidity is in full force here, we're really looking forward to getting back for a bit of New England summer! Can't wait to see everyone!

*the Big move....we're giving up the apartment on the Palm and moving to a villa in a gated community. More on that soon!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Caitlin rolled over!!

I put Caitlin down for some tummy time yesterday and she very quickly flipped to her back. I figured it was a fluke because I put her down a little on her side. Well, today she had been on her tummy for about five minutes. Angela and I were on the floor playing with her and she suddenly pushed herself over again! I captured two photos at the very end. Wonder if she will be a 'roller' like her sister was!!