Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Our little fish

Angela asks to go to the pool almost every afternoon now that it's super hot out everyday. I finally found a swim class for her which she started today. It's a kids only class (mommy doesn't get in the pool) and there are only two other kids in her class. Although she was a bit hesitant about a few of the activities today, she had a great time in the water! I am hoping this helps her confidence in the water so that she can become a great swimmer!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pack her knickers!

When I picked up Angela from nursery last week, one of the helpers pulled me aside to let me know that Angela was very curious about two of the other girls using the potty. She asked to sit on it so they let her. I've tried this a few times at home over the past month and she was never interested, in fact seemed terrified. So this was exciting. The helper told me to send in three pairs of knickers the next week and they would give it a go.

I sent in three pairs of very cute Hello Kitty undies yesterday. When I went in to pick her up, they were very happy to report that Angela went pee pee on the potty TWICE!! After that she wasnt interested so they put her back into diapers and didn't want to push it too much. I've since tried the potty a few times at home but she only wants to play with it.

I'm not sure mommy and daddy are ready for this potty training thing, but we realized long ago that we don't have much control in this house.

And yes, I'm sure Angela will cringe someday when she looks back to see that I've written an entire post about her using the potty :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Save the date!

It's time to have the next set of babies baptized. We are planning a baptism for Caitlin and Lexi in the Boston area on Sunday, August 7.

Tummy time

She may be making an inappropriate hand gesture, but I assure you, she really is enjoying her tummy time!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Three months!

Baby Kai Kai (as Angela calls her) is three months old! It's amazing how fast these three month have passed. Caitlin is a very happy baby - always smiling and coo'ing for us. She is starting to outgrow another size of clothes and will soon be in the 6 to 9 month range! We have no complaints about her sleep - she consistently takes 3 or 4 naps during the day and is almost always asleep by 8 o'clock at night (and doesn't wake up for a feed until 3 or 4 in the morning). Angela continues to be an awesome big sister and still loves holding Kai Kai's hand, giving her kisses and holding her in the swing. These two little girls are just amazing!!