Monday, February 7, 2011

Waiting for baby

Today I am 40 weeks, 6 days pregnant. This is not something we had expected, or planned for. Even my doctor is surprised, she has been saying 'any day now' since my 38 week appointment! I guess this little girl is comfy in there. Our next appointment is tomorrow afternoon and I know we will talk about induction. Although I'm really hoping to not be induced I know that I'm reaching a point where it may become necessary.

Angela is enjoying all of this extra time as an 'only child', especially now that Grammy & Dziadziu are here. She has gotten lots of new toys and we've had extra trips to the mall, park and beach. We also did a mini-safari on Saturday morning to try and find some camels. In the time we've been here I hadn't seen any camels and we thought it would be fun to go drive around outside of the main city area. We didn't travel too far but did manage to see some cool things - including camels!

After passing many 'camel crossing' signs, we were starting to give up hope that we would actually see any camels - just a lot of sand!

And then a truck passed us on the road, and we finally saw camels!

A few minutes later, and there were camels everywhere

Ang was on camel lookout in the car

Having some fun at the beach

Storytime with Grammy

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