Monday, January 10, 2011

Catching up

Sorry for the lack of recent posting. Here's a quick recap!

We had a great New Years - our friends Jenn & Justin were visiting from Boston and we decided to have a quiet, low key New Years Eve on our patio. There was a great fireworks show at the Atlantis and one of the neighboring villas was having a beach party so we had great music! Rich even made it home from work before midnight to enjoy a glass of champagne. The next day we did an Abra tour in the Marina (some photo's below).

Angela had another growth spurt - and is now such a big girl. She is going to nursery three mornings a week and loves it. Unfortunately this morning she went in her pajama top because we're still having some issues with getting her dressed. I can't blame her though, I would love to just hang out in my pajama's all day! Fortunately her teacher was able to change her shirt without a meltdown.

The house is all ready for baby number two to arrive. We still don't have an official name for her - its been narrowed down to a few options but we're being indecisive on this one. Its now three weeks until my due date and I'm feeling ready! I think Angela can sense something is about to change because she has been extra clingy lately. She loves to rub my belly and give the baby kisses and we talk all the time about what a great big sister she is going to be. In case you are wondering, baby #2 will be born at the American Hospital. I've been really impressed with the care there so far and have heard wonderful things about others who have given birth there.

I promise to try and get more updates on here, although with a new baby coming you probably shouldn't hold your breath!

loving our new toys!

A dhow cruise in the Marina with Jenn & Justin

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