Friday, October 1, 2010

the new meggo-mobile & growing babies

We bought a new car! Of course, we haven't yet registered it because the registration process requires documentation from the bank and its taking them a few days to get the papers together. Hopefully we will be able to drive it soon. We ended up finding a slightly used (less than 1 year old) Volvo SUV. The owner is another ex-pat that is moving and needed to get rid of the car. So we ended up getting an almost new car at a decent price.

Angela is continuing to grow like a weed. We had her 18 month well being visit last week with the new pediatrician. Angela weighed 13kg - which is about 28 and 1/2 pounds. This puts her in the 95th percentile for weight which is so surprising because she was below the 0 percentile at 9 months. The doctor said she is healthy and had no concerns with anything. Her skin is also doing remarkably well these days (for those that haven't seen it, she has had a very annoying excema rash on her legs). I guess she just needed a break from the China air!

Finally, baby # 2. I haven't posted much about being pregnant but now that I'm really feeling pregnant (i.e. big) its time to start posting. So, my first official belly pic for this pregnancy is below - at 22.5 weeks. It has definitely popped!!

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

You look so adorable with your belly! Hope you're feeling great.