Monday, May 31, 2010

A walk in the park

While out for a walk on Sunday afternoon we came across a few "only in China" moments and I was so happy to have my camera ready.

The first 'moment' I didn't actually take a photo of because the guys were really struggling. There were two men attempting to pull a stack of bricks that were piled onto a cart with wheels up a ramp. They were failing quite miserably because just as they would reach the top of the ramp, one of them would loosen their grip and the entire thing would start rolling backwards down the hill. About an hour later when we walked back by, the same two men were bringing the same pile of bricks back down the ramp into the garage (that is when I took a picture). All that work to bring them up, just to bring them back down again?

Next up, they don't use lawnmowers! I guess I never really noticed that although you do see grass around here, you never really see a lawnmower. As we were walking along we saw two men sitting in the grass. At first it looked like they were just having a casual chat. It turns out they were pulling the grass - by hand! I can only imagine how long it took them to complete this section of lawn!

The complete randomness we encounter here always makes us laugh.

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