Monday, May 31, 2010

A walk in the park

While out for a walk on Sunday afternoon we came across a few "only in China" moments and I was so happy to have my camera ready.

The first 'moment' I didn't actually take a photo of because the guys were really struggling. There were two men attempting to pull a stack of bricks that were piled onto a cart with wheels up a ramp. They were failing quite miserably because just as they would reach the top of the ramp, one of them would loosen their grip and the entire thing would start rolling backwards down the hill. About an hour later when we walked back by, the same two men were bringing the same pile of bricks back down the ramp into the garage (that is when I took a picture). All that work to bring them up, just to bring them back down again?

Next up, they don't use lawnmowers! I guess I never really noticed that although you do see grass around here, you never really see a lawnmower. As we were walking along we saw two men sitting in the grass. At first it looked like they were just having a casual chat. It turns out they were pulling the grass - by hand! I can only imagine how long it took them to complete this section of lawn!

The complete randomness we encounter here always makes us laugh.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Finding our balance

Angela finally decided to 'let go' and take a few steps...she was so proud of herself!! Sorry for the choppy video but I was home alone at the time and of course had to get video immediately.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

movin' around

Angela figured out that she can walk really fast with her walker. Check it out!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wo Shi Mei Guo Ren

Although I have managed to get around just fine using hand gestures and taxi cards, I figured it was finally time to start some Mandarin lessons. I have now completed about twenty hours of lessons and have a basic understanding of the tones and language structure, can communicate to a taxi driver how to get to our apartment and (of course) I can shop .

I am finding that my basic Chinese is earning me some credit. The other day I announced 'Tai Re Le' in the playroom after an Ayi turned the heat up too high. She smiled and said 'Oh' and then turned the heat off. Getting home in a taxi is so much easier now that I can tell them that we live close to the Shangri-la (versus telling them to go to the Shangri-la and then pointing them in the right direction from there).

Hopefully these new language skills will continue to make my life in China easier and easier!!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Our latest travel adventure landed us in Dubai. It was a business trip for Rich but Angela and I tagged along for some fun - a work-cation. I will post some photo's here, but if you want to see the entire set you can check them out on Facebook (unless of course you don't have a FB page - but I really think that Rich is the only one that is still holding out on Facebook).

We were a little nervous leading up to this trip because Angela was not such a great traveler on our last trip (to Seoul). She managed to redeem herself though and we really had a great time in Dubai.

When we arrived in Dubai, it was hot. I was excited about this after many cold and rainy days in Shanghai. It was also clean. And everybody spoke English. I guess I've grown accustomed to living in China so I rarely notice how gross this city can be and how much the language changes your everyday life. It was so nice to be able to get into a taxi and tell them where to go without needing the address written out. And to walk into a restaurant to find baby chairs readily available. Dubai does come with its own culture shock but I guess in comparison to China it didn't seem quite as difficult to adapt.

We stayed in a great hotel in Jumeirah Beach - right on "The Walk" which is an area filled with hotels, shopping and restaurants. The hotel had a great kiddie pool and the staff were so great at keeping Angela happy during the day. Our good friends Shannon & Darren moved to Dubai late last year and were so gracious to show us around the city.

Our big day out was Friday - since the work week is Sunday through Thursday in Dubai (Friday is a holy day and most offices are closed). We went to the top of the Burj Khalifa, had a fantastic brunch at the Westin hotel, and then relaxed at Shannon & Darren's apartment. The Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world and has a viewing platform on the 126th floor. A few weeks after the building opened (earlier this year) there were stories in the news about visitors being stranded when the elevator malfunctioned. It has now been fixed and we were eager to get up there to see the view. As the elevator descended on our way back down, we felt it stop and most of us noticed that the screen showed "G" meaning we were on the ground level. Well, the doors didn't open and the elevator started moving again - it was obvious we were going back up to the top. We reached the 126th floor and the doors opened and then closed again. A minute later we were back on the ground level and this time the doors opened. Whew...

We headed back to Shanghai very early Saturday morning - most international flights leave Dubai in the middle of the night. Our flight left at 3am which was nice because Angela slept for the first half of the trip. We only had two nights of jet lag induced sleep trouble, which was pretty amazing considering it used to take a week or longer to get back on schedule (although that is comparing a four hour difference to the 12 hours from NY).

the view from our room

the view from our room (yes, camels!!)
Angela LOVES the water!

Hanging out at brunch - for some reason she loves putting her feet up on the table.

Family photo op at the top of the Burj Khalifa