Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Angela is one!

It is hard to believe that Angela is already a year old.

To celebrate, we invited all of our Shanghai friends over for brunch the Sunday before her birthday. It was rainy and gross outside so a great day to stay inside. We were thrilled that we also had some family there to help celebrate - Aunt Chris and Erin were visiting from CT.

Her recent stats:
Weight - 20.15 lbs (30th percentile)
Height - 28 inches (25th percentile)
Head circumference - ?? (85th percentile)

I didn't write down the number for her head and now can't remember it. We saw a new pediatrician - its the same facility that we've used in the past but I decided to try the other doctor. I think we will stick with this one, I really liked her. She declared Angela a healthy one year old and was very happy to see that her weight has increased dramatically.

The only thing that concerned the doctor was that Angela hadn't been pulling herself up to her feet on her own. Well, one week later she is pulling up on everything she can get her little hands onto. She seems so proud of her new ability and has been enjoying being able to explore new areas of the house.

Angela is a pretty chatty and I think we've decided that her first word was da da. Whenever daddy walks into the room she points at him and yells da da. Unfortunately, she also refers to me as da da. She can say ma ma but seems to use it only when she really wants something (she will point at whatever it is that she wants and scream ma ma). She can claps her hands, blow kisses and wave bye bye (which is sometimes accompanied with her saying bye bye - although is comes out more as bah bah).

I have tons of photo's from her party and from the past couple of weeks but am having a really hard time uploading to blogger. Since I can easily (and quickly) upload to Picasa albums online, I am inserting a link to my album instead of putting pictures in this post. Sorry you will have to go there to view photos, but this way you will get to see many more of them!!


1 comment:

Rachelle said...

Happy Birthday to Angela! She's super cute!