Monday, January 18, 2010

Getting back on track

I think we are finally over jet lag (which means there is something else to blame for our sleepless nights) and have finally put all of the new toys and outfits away. Ang made out like a bandit for Christmas (thanks everyone) and it was quite the process getting it all back to Shanghai. I think we only managed to leave a few things behind at my parents house.

We now have a new camera and a Flip video recorder so hopefully I will get around to posting more Ang stuff for you all to see. The latest news - she is getting better at her inch-worm crawl and has finally said Mama (after Ba ba and Da da).

We have had some unfortunate luck with our apartment since returning to Shanghai. In the past, we always make a joke, saying "well, its China" because it seems a lot more random stuff just happens here. It has always been a small thing here or a small thing there (i.e. sink won't drain, hot water turns off, etc). Then we discovered that a leaking water pipe had caused mold to grow in the ayi room. They repaired the leak and cleaned up the mold. A few days ago Bonnie came in and told me there was dirty water leaking from the ceiling in Ayi room. We immediately called the maintenance crew up and they determined that it was oil. An army of workers was sent to investigate and we were told something like "its residual oil from an earlier fix and just needs to finish dripping, we will clean after done". Um, ok, that makes no sense. Oil continued to leak and I called multiple times each day for them to come check it again and clean it. On the third day, the oil had spread and was dripping down the wall. The army of men returned, turned off the heat, cut a hole in the ceiling and determined that we would have no heat until this was fixed. This was Friday evening and the manager told us they would arrange for us to sleep in the model apartment since it would be at least a day or two before it was fixed. They finally managed to fix the heat late Saturday afternoon but within 20 minutes of being finished the unit was randomly shutting off (and flashing all sorts of strange messages). We spent the night without heat (it was warm outside so this wasn't a problem) and the workers returned Sunday to fix the unit. As of today, everything seems to be working. The oil has stopped dripping. We still have a giant hole in the ceiling of the ayi room but they should be returning to fix that later this week.

Yesterday we went to a 1st birthday party for Jasmine, one of Ang's very best friends in Shanghai. It struck me that Jasmine is only two months older than Ang, and that we will very soon be planning our own 1st birthday party. It's amazing how quick she is growing up!

the damage to our ceiling - fortunately its not in the main living areas

so many new toys

dressed up for a disco party

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