Friday, August 21, 2009

Take me out to the ball game!

We are very fortunate to have two satellite tv boxes in our house - one is Chinese and only broadcasts Chinese programs and the other is Phillipino and broadcasts all American programs. During the day I am able to watch re-plays of Ellen and the Today Show (taped the prior day). Last night I watched Flip This House and America's Got Talent. Rich is excited that we get CNBC so he can catch up on all the market news during the night. This is a bit dangerous considering the market at home is open during the evening here so he can 'day trade' all night long if he wants. Ang apparently loves CNBC - every time it is on she stares at the screen (I think she likes the ticker that constantly moves along the bottom of the screen). She will also be a very happy child here as we get Nickolodeon and Cartoon Network.

This morning we received the ultimate surprise with our Phillipino Satellite - we are watching the Yankees / Red Sox game that is currently being played in Boston. Unfortunately Boston is losing and Rich is using this as a chance to encourage Ang to cheer for the Yankees. Even though we are watching the game with coffee and bagels instead of beer and nachos, it definitely makes it feel like we aren't so far away from America.

Not a bad way to spend a Saturday morning - watching good ol' American baseball!

Ang was more into trying to get this block into her mouth than watching the game.


Anonymous said...

OK CNBC sounds nice, but what about Fox News.
Love all the updates.
Auntie Cia

Anonymous said...

Here I am ! I am finally into the 21st Century!
New Lenovo....classes at the community college. Send me an email when you make updates. My email address is bozzuto@

Send pictures too Hugs and kisses. Love Great Nana