Sunday, August 30, 2009

Better City, Better Life

We had a very quiet and relaxed weekend at home and definitely enjoyed it. Rich surprised me with an appointment for a massage on Saturday morning which was fantastic. It was a combo foot / head, neck & shoulder massage that was done by two people at the same time. I can't believe I have been here over a month and am just now getting around to a massage. The prices are incredible compared to the US and I think this may become a weekly habit for me!

When Rich was in New York last month he picked up a couple bags of Dunkin' Donuts coffee so that we could make it at home. Sadly we brewed the last pot yesterday and today we had to resort to using coffee that I bought at the market nearby. After only a few sips we decided to head to Starbucks for something stronger. This week I am going to go searching for better coffee beans and if I don't find anything we may be calling home for a care package!!! We can buy beans at Starbucks but neither of us enjoy their coffee as much as Dunkin'....

It seems that almost everywhere we go in Shanghai there is construction. There are new buildings going up, subway entrances being re-designed and sidewalks being ripped up and then re-paved. The construction workers work non-stop, all hours of the day, all days of the week. Fortunately for us, the majority of this work should be finished by May 1, 2010. That is when the 2010 World Expo opens in Shanghai!!

The motto for the Expo is 'Better City, Better Life' and they have appointed this funny looking blue guy as the Expo mascot. The little blue guy (Haibao) is plastered all over the city. You can find key chains, stuffed animals, post cards and any other souvenir item with his picture on it. There is a giant statue of him outside the mall and all of the visitors are constantly stopping to take a picture with him.

While we were out and about today we were looking at some of the signs advertising the Expo. The translation from Chinese to English isn't always accurate and can be a little entertaining!

And finally, a few pictures of Ang...

She has gotten quite good at the rolling - I walked into the kitchen to refill my coffee cup and returned 30 seconds later to find her here (she was on the mat when I left her)!!

Goofy faces

Sitting like a big girl at lunch - not quite sitting on her own but getting very close!


Unknown said...

Look at that little cutie rolling around and sitting up! Miss you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Shanghai! Great Nana has entered the 21st. century !I,m making great progress thanks to my teacher --- EMMA KILLEEN! I enjoyed the latest blog--- Angela is the cutest little darling!

Great Poppa sends his love. Pidge.

rbozzuto said...

Unbelieveable! Sitting up like a big gal. Before you know it,, she'll be dating. Love you All....Great grand Pa