Monday, March 30, 2009

Some sad farewell's

Today was another big day for us. Rich packed up once again last night and is now on his way back to Shanghai. He will be back in NY in about five weeks to help pack up the apartment and drive Angela and I down to NC (we are counting down the days until he is back here with us). It was definitely no fun saying good bye this morning and we are going to miss having him at home with us. It was really wonderful that he was able to spend so much time at home during the month of March. We will be sending him lots of Angela pictures and will be talking to him on skype every day while he is away.

We also packed Chloe up with all of her gear this morning and sent her with Dziadziu (grampa in polish) to live with Aunti Katie in NC. It was sad sending Chloe away early (we had planned for her to drive down with us in May), but she was not adjusting well to having a baby in the house and I was a little too nervous having to constantly keep an eye on her.

Now its just me, Angela and Grammy here for the week. It seems pretty quiet after all of the company we have had the past few weeks. Grammy has been a huge help with keeping the house in order, changing dirty diapers, and keeping me fed! We will definitely miss her when she leaves next week!!

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