Monday, March 30, 2009

Some sad farewell's

Today was another big day for us. Rich packed up once again last night and is now on his way back to Shanghai. He will be back in NY in about five weeks to help pack up the apartment and drive Angela and I down to NC (we are counting down the days until he is back here with us). It was definitely no fun saying good bye this morning and we are going to miss having him at home with us. It was really wonderful that he was able to spend so much time at home during the month of March. We will be sending him lots of Angela pictures and will be talking to him on skype every day while he is away.

We also packed Chloe up with all of her gear this morning and sent her with Dziadziu (grampa in polish) to live with Aunti Katie in NC. It was sad sending Chloe away early (we had planned for her to drive down with us in May), but she was not adjusting well to having a baby in the house and I was a little too nervous having to constantly keep an eye on her.

Now its just me, Angela and Grammy here for the week. It seems pretty quiet after all of the company we have had the past few weeks. Grammy has been a huge help with keeping the house in order, changing dirty diapers, and keeping me fed! We will definitely miss her when she leaves next week!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Newborn Photo Success

Thursday March 26, 2009

Today was a very BIG outing for us. We got prettied up and headed to the photographer for some newborn photo's. Mom and dad were pretty hesitant about how this was going to go as we spent the prior day being very fussy. Well, we arrived at the studio a little early for our appointment and luckily slept through the waiting time. When it came our turn we woke up a little cranky, but the photographer was pretty good and actually got some shots where I'm not screaming my head off.

We have lots of copies of these pictures in many sizes and will be sending them out to grandparents, great grandparents and aunts and uncles soon. If you want to order any yourself, please let us know and we can send you the high resolution jpgs!

I'm a cousin!!

Welcome Trevor Anthony and congrats to uncle Bri and auntie Lauren!!!

Back to the pediatrician

Wednesday March 25, 2009

Today we went for another follow up appointment with our pediatrician. This was just a standard weight check. I am realizing quickly how difficult it is to get around with a newborn. We woke up a little on the late side after a rough night of sleep and I only had two hours to get both myself and Angela ready for the outing. Dad was there to help but had to stay home and wait for a company to come assess our apartment for the big move. Luckily, the office is right across the street so we don't have to plan much travel time!! We made it out of the house and to the office right on time. The scale showed that our breastfeeding efforts are paying off. Angela was born at 7lb 9oz, had dropped to 7lb by the time we came home, and was back up to 7lb 7oz at our appointment!

angbozz lookin' pretty cute for her appt - hanging out in the waiting room

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Bozz's are blogging...

In anticipation of everybody wanting to share in our adventures this year, we have started a blog. We (ok, mostly Meg) will post updates regularly to share news and photos about the baby and stories about adjusting to life as an ex-pat in Shanghai.