Saturday, April 30, 2011

love my girls!

We were all looking nice for a lunch event on Friday afternoon and managed to get some photo's before leaving the house. The girls are both doing great these days. Angela has some moments where she definitely 'two' but has such an awesome personality and is so much fun. Caitlin is always smiling and is a fantastic sleeper (slept ten hours straight last night!). We are so blessed with these gorgeous girls!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

We celebrated Easter a day early here since Chris and Katie had an early flight Sunday and its a work day so Rich is at the office. The girls both got some great gifts from the Easter bunny and we had some friends over for a small brunch. The afternoon was spent at the pool - its nice and hot here now so lots of pool time!!

Caitlin's first Easter!

Ang having fun in a box

Our fun visitors, Chris & Katie. Ang was very sad to say goodbye this morning!

Yummy homemade cinnamon rolls!

We're off to swim! Ang LOVES the pool now that its getting so hot outside.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter Egg Fun

We have visitors this week (my brother, Chris and his wife, Katie) and they brought along a few Easter Egg coloring kits. I boiled the eggs last night and we spent the morning coloring them. Angela really seemed to enjoy it. Her favorite part was definitely when she picked up the blue color and poured it all over the table, floor, and my feet. The look on her face was priceless. It was something like 'that was a lot of fun but I bet I'm going to get yelled at so I better not smile'. But then we all started laughing and she joined in. Fortunately the floor is tiled and the mess was easy to clean up.

Only one cracked egg!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

flights booked!!

Some exciting news to share, we booked our flights home for the summer! We land on the 31st of July and return on the 8th of September. Hopefully this gives us plenty of time to see everybody.

Also, Caitlin's passport is ready for pickup so I'm planning to get it tomorrow. She still needs her UAE residency visa, but that should be relatively easy to sort out (and she can travel without it).

A few new photo's to share

Sleepy babies.....

...wake up happy!!

Angela enjoying some beans - her absolute favorite food.

Check out the bruise on her chin! I didn't witness the fall but heard that she didn't cry, the teachers at nursery were impressed.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Two months!!

Caitlin passed the two month mark a few days ago! She is up to 5.97kg (13lb, 2.6oz) which is right around the 95th percentile for weight. Her height dropped off quite a bit on the growth chart but the doctor thinks the measurement may have been wrong (or she is just going to be short!). She is a champ when it comes to sleeping and regularly sleeps seven to eight hours in one stretch at night. Unfortunately the two year old in the house is not sleeping this well so we're still not getting much rest!


We had family pictures taken last week! I've posted a few of my favorites here to share. Thankfully Angela waited until this week to take a tumble at nursery and bruise her chin!