Sunday, October 31, 2010

happy halloween! part 2....

The photos that I posted earlier were from before Angela's halloween party at her little play school. We dropped her off at her play school for a few hours this morning and I think she had a great time. When I picked her up she was still dressed in her full costume - wings, halo and all! She had orange frosting smeared on the front of her dress and was clearly coming down from a sugar buzz. It was fantastic.

I took a few more photos while at play school...

Angela made one of the pumpkins on the wall!

She also did this ghost...

Goofing around with daddy

Saturday, October 30, 2010

happy halloween!

We have a perfect little angel today!

Angela is spending the morning at the play center nearby, celebrating Halloween with all of her little friends there. Mommy made some yummy pumpkin cupcakes to share!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

In the news....

A nice article in the Bentley alumni magazine!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Showing off our dance moves

Angela has a new favorite movie - Monsters, Inc. She loves the music that plays at the end of it and starts dancing all over the living room as soon as the credits start rolling. It's so cute!

Monday, October 11, 2010


One thing that we loved about this apartment (other than the massive balconies, water view, great location and space) was the playroom option. Anybody that visited us in Shanghai witnessed the mountain of toys that overtook the living room, something that constantly drove me crazy. This apartment has one decent-sized room just off the living room that would make a perfect office (in Rich's mind). But, in my mind, it just had to be the playroom.

After our stuff arrived it became obvious that we had some storage issues. One trip to Ikea and we fixed that problem. The playroom is now finished!!

We discovered this past Saturday just how much Angela loves the playroom (and all her toys). We invited some new friends (somebody Rich met through a Columbia alumni event) over for breakfast and to play. They have a son that is slightly older than Angela and they just moved here as well. Well, as soon as Henry walked into the playroom and started picking up toys, we learned that Angela has a word in her vocabulary that we hadn't heard before. 'MINE!!!!!'....

I guess we need to work on our sharing skills!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

arts & crafts

Angela has been attending a local daycare facility a few times a week. We drop her off for a few hours in the morning, once or twice per week. Its not a proper 'nursery' program but offers flexible schedules (we just call the day before to book her in) and has a really great staff.

Today she brought home an art project!

Friday, October 1, 2010

the new meggo-mobile & growing babies

We bought a new car! Of course, we haven't yet registered it because the registration process requires documentation from the bank and its taking them a few days to get the papers together. Hopefully we will be able to drive it soon. We ended up finding a slightly used (less than 1 year old) Volvo SUV. The owner is another ex-pat that is moving and needed to get rid of the car. So we ended up getting an almost new car at a decent price.

Angela is continuing to grow like a weed. We had her 18 month well being visit last week with the new pediatrician. Angela weighed 13kg - which is about 28 and 1/2 pounds. This puts her in the 95th percentile for weight which is so surprising because she was below the 0 percentile at 9 months. The doctor said she is healthy and had no concerns with anything. Her skin is also doing remarkably well these days (for those that haven't seen it, she has had a very annoying excema rash on her legs). I guess she just needed a break from the China air!

Finally, baby # 2. I haven't posted much about being pregnant but now that I'm really feeling pregnant (i.e. big) its time to start posting. So, my first official belly pic for this pregnancy is below - at 22.5 weeks. It has definitely popped!!