Wednesday, September 29, 2010

At the park!

While out for a drive this past weekend we discovered a cute little park not far from our house. Angela was up early this morning and was getting very antsy in the house so I decided to take her out to play. Unfortunately its still a bit too hot here so we only got to play for about an hour before Angela's face turned bright pink and her head was covered in sweat. Hopefully the next month will bring some cooler, more comfortable temperatures and then I'm sure you will find us in the park many mornings!

Interestingly, men are only allowed in the park on weekends - during the week it is only for women and children.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The BIG Ultrasound

I had my 20 week ultrasound appointment this morning. Rich and Angela tagged along and waited patiently for the ultrasound tech to do a big reveal of the gender. Although baby # 2 was not very cooperative, we're pretty certain that Angela will be getting a baby sister in February!! This will be confirmed in a few months at my 32 week scan, but for now we are thinking PINK!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Welcome to Dubai

Just thought I'd post a quick update with photo's of our new apartment. There is still a lot in process and we'll be filling the empty spaces soon I hope. It sounds like our shipment from China should be arriving on September 25th. It will be nice to have all of our stuff back, Ang sure is missing her toys.

Enjoy the photo's!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Farewell USA, Hello UAE

We have landed safely in Dubai after a great trip home to the US. It was so great to see so many of our family and friends and as always it was sad to say goodbye. Although it always seems a bit too chaotic while we are visiting home we always enjoy the trips home and look forward to the next one. I took so many photos while we were there and have finally had time to sort through them all.

Our first week in Dubai has been uneventful. Our apartment looks great but is so much larger than I remember it being. It still feels a bit empty since our shipment from China hasn't arrived yet. I took some photo's of the rooms that are mostly finished which will be posted here soon. Unfortunately I have been having some computer problems (yet again) and can't turn my laptop on at the moment. That also means no skype for me so if you are looking for us, try Rich!

I promise more updates as soon as I am back on my laptop!