Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dragon Boats

There was another holiday in China this week - the Dragon Boat Festival. Its only a one day holiday that falls on Wednesday but the government declares the Saturday & Sunday before working days and then everybody takes Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday off.

As with many of the local holidays, I am not really sure what this one is all about. I asked Bonnie but all she could say was, "oh, we eat rice wrapped in leaves, you know that one?" Um no. Thanks again to Wikipedia, I learned that there are actual dragon boat races too.

Rich got to work from home Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday which was nice since he was in New York all of last week. Angela was so happy to have lots of daddy time at home!

Unfortunately we didn't actually make it out to see any of the dragon boat races (and we didn't eat any of these rice wrapped in leaves things either). Its so hot here now and I heard that the crowds along the rivers where they race can be horrible. Since I don't have dragon boat photo's to share, you get a few of Angela instead!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

California highlights

It took me ages to get all of my photo's organized from our trip to California for Cheryl & Tim's wedding. We had such a wonderful trip and it was so much fun spending time with everybody. There are so many great photo's so I created a slide show - its long but will definitely show you the highlights of our trip.

Created with flickr slideshow.