Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Beach trip

We loaded up two cars full of gear and headed to Atlantic Beach, NC on Saturday afternoon for a little weekend getaway. It was about a 45 minute ride - a little longer for the car that had to stop for Angela to eat. When we arrived the family surprised me with a big sign, presents and cake - they decided that I needed a belated 30th birthday celebration.
We ended up ordering take-out on Saturday night and had a low-key night in the condo playing cards and relaxing. Sunday morning we packed up and headed to the beach. Ang looked pretty cute in her swim suit (long sleeves to add extra protection from the sun) and beach hat.
We found a perfect beach spot and Ang camped out under an umbrella. It was hot out but there was a great ocean breeze that kept us very cool. The sound of the ocean was so relaxing and put Ang right to sleep.

After lunch we decided to check out the indoor swimming pool - it turned out to be HOT. I took Ang in for a quick dip but she was pretty much unimpressed. We all decided the beach was more fun and headed back to our umbrella for the rest of the afternoon.

Monday morning we packed up the condo and headed back to the beach for another day. Unfortunately we found that all the umbrellas had already been rented so we headed to Emerald Isle, NC and found public beach with umbrella rentals. Once again Ang seemed very relaxed with the ocean breeze and sound of waves!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The countdown has started!

Rich has moved into our new apartment in Shanghai (we are still waiting for our shipment to arrive), Ang and I have applied for our Chinese Visa's (which should arrive in the mail tomorrow) and we've picked our travel dates (although we haven't booked the flights yet). The final countdown is on - we will be leaving from Raleigh on Friday, July 17 and arrive in Shanghai the following day. I am getting anxious and excited for the trip. I'm curious to see how Angela does on the plane and I am so excited for us all to be together in our new home. I have heard from many moms that have traveled with babies this age that it went really well because they sleep a lot on the plane. We will see!!

Happy fathers day to all of the dads out there...we are bummed we can't be with Rich today and told him we will celebrate in July when we were all together. He spent this weekend in Kuala Lumpur and it sounds like he had a great time. Of course, he managed to find a casino and won some money playing his daughters birthday on the roulette table. For some reason I was not surprised when I heard this.

Last week we had visitors from Vermont - Thea, Bailey and Dot came down to meet Angela and spend a few days with us. Chris and Katie are coming this week and will be staying for two weeks. Colleen will also be coming for a weekend in July - she had planned a visit in June but had to reschedule. The Ziemba Inn has been so busy!

Finally - new pictures of Angela - that little smile totally makes my day every time I see it!! Sorry for the pictures that I can't seem to rotate the correct way, I'm still trying to figure out this blogger thing.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Fun with video

I was able to catch some great facial expressions earlier today while Ang was in her bouncy chair. She is very entertained by the toys that hang over her - the little flower plays music and lights up and she gets very excited about it. I hope the video clips open ok - this is my first attempt at uploading video!

The videos are also on Picasa: http://picasaweb.google.com/MegBozz/Video02#

Friday, June 5, 2009

out little traveler

Angela's passport arrived in the mail today. Next steps, apply for a visa for China and book our flights.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Quality time with...


Rich arrived in NC yesterday afternoon and will be here until Saturday morning. It is a very quick visit, but we are so happy to have him here.